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Complex Under Control

April 16, 2020

Every year, Westerner Park hosts around 1,500 events and welcomes approximately 1.5 million visitors. The 320-acre complex located in Alberta, Canada, includes multiple venues that put on everything from weddings to hockey games. Aware of the value that lighting brings to the site, the location’s managers greenlit a major retrofit to address recurring maintenance issues, as well as to increase light levels and reduce energy consumption. Existing T5 fixtures were replaced with LED high-bay luminaires (EiKO) divided into groups controlled by Bluetooth SIG-qualified Fulham EliteControl fixture controllers. In each of the site’s pavilions, a single wireless energy-harvesting switch allows users to control all of the luminaires simultaneously. The success of the Bluetooth mesh luminaires, now covering 120,000 sq ft, set off phase two of the project, which includes replacing fluorescent fixtures in all of the remaining pavilions.

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