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Feel the Joy

December 9, 2019
Photo by Magical Winter Light

There’s a new holiday display in New York City—and it’s not limited to decorative string lighting or store-front illumination. LuminoCity Festival, running across 12 acres of Randall’s Island Park through January 5, immerses visitors in giant, interactive light-and-art installations alongside holiday shopping, food and drink vendors, and performances.

Photo by Magical Winter Light

The festival is organized by theme—Winter Fantasy, Wild Adventure and Sweet Dream—with highlights including a towering Christmas tree visible for miles, an illuminated lollipop land, shining pandas in a bamboo forest, life-size dinosaurs near a roaring volcano and more than 23 sets of large-scale light-art displays created by Chinese light artisans. The Festival will offer four themed nights including Cosplay All Day, Hanfu-sion Night, Let it Glow Christmas, and Electric Light Tonight!

For more information, visit luminocityfestival.com