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LRC Video Response to AMA Report Available

April 6, 2017
LRC Webinar
LRC Response to the American Medical Association (AMA) Report on LED Lighting Webinar

Last month, participants at more than 200 locations around the world took part in the Lighting Research Center (LRC) webinar addressing the recent American Medical Association report on LED lighting. The video of that webinar is now available free to the public at https://youtu.be/2BcfcONrm58.

Presented by LRC scientists Dr. Mark Rea and Dr. Mariana Figueiro, this webinar provides practical, scientific advice to address the issues raised in the AMA report; direction on correctly and accurately measuring and specifying indoor and outdoor lighting; and guidance to address the problems of misapplying short-hand metrics to the topic of the health and environmental impacts of light and lighting.