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Manuel Spitschan

Manuel Spitschan

Dr. Manuel Spitschan is a University Research Lecturer at the University of Oxford. After undergraduate studies in psychology at the University of Oxford (2009-2012), graduate training at the University of Pennsylvania (2012-2016), and a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University (2016-2017), he joined the University of Oxford on a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship. His research is focused on the physiological effects of light on humans. Dr. Spitschan served as Chair of the OSA Color Technical Group (2018-2020), has been a member of CIE JTC-9 and is currently a member of CIE TC 1-98 and 3-60.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8572-9268
Google Scholar: