*Attention:* The IES website will be temporarily unavailable from May 9th to May 13th for site updates. We apologize for any inconvenience and will provide an update closer to the time. Thank you for your continued support of the Illuminating Engineering Society.
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Technical Committees

The IES welcomes your interest in developing lighting standards. Using the ANSI approved consensus process ensures that lighting standards that are non-biased, free of commercial influences, up to date, and educational. IES Standards are developed using the highest quality processes and resources—you!

Participation in IES Technical Committees benefit you and your company – Here’s how to Join NOW!

  • Share your knowledge, not only in what you know about specific topics, but in your experience, your thought process, and your perspective on how topics relate to the bigger picture. The broadest coalition of knowledgeable people makes the best consensus documents – and you will learn from others that share their knowledge with you!
  • Share your talents, through writing and/or editing, providing drawings, illustrations or photographs, organizing task forces for specific issues, bringing in additional members from on your professional network, or becoming an ambassador for the Standards through teaching and/or making presentations on the IES website
  • Share your inspiration, not just about the content of a Standard, but on how to move standards forward, how to create interactive online tools or build demonstrations for conferences, looking into the future, and motivating others to think differently