*Attention:* The IES website will be temporarily unavailable from May 9th to May 13th for site updates. We apologize for any inconvenience and will provide an update closer to the time. Thank you for your continued support of the Illuminating Engineering Society.
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Dawn De Grazio

Dawn De Grazio

Over the course of a long career in lighting (since 1986), Dawn De Grazio has worked in most parts of the lighting business. A broad education in science, engineering, and math along with her experience in various parts of the lighting industry (distributor, engineering firm, electric utility, two manufacturers, lighting software company, and IES) over the course of her career have given Dawn a breadth and depth of knowledge that are unique in this business. During her first 31 years as a volunteer member of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Dawn served on many committees, where she contributed to writing, reviewing, and editing the documents those committees produced. In 2012, she received the IES Distinguished Service Award in recognition of her service to the Society. Dawn worked for IES for five years as technical editor and then returned to being a volunteer member.