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Dr. Travis Longcore

Travis Longcore

Dr. Travis Longcore is a leading expert in the environmental and ecological effects of night lighting. He consults to lighting engineers and designers and local, state, and federal governments to reduce the adverse consequences of artificial light at night. His landmark article “Ecological Light Pollution” (Longcore and Rich 2004) and 2006 co-edited book Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting (Island Press) have come to define a new and rapidly growing research area in ecology.

Longcore holds a Ph.D. in geography from UCLA and taught environmental science and ecological design at UCLA and the University of Southern California for 20 years. He iscertified as a Senior Ecologist by the Ecological Society of America and as a GIS Professional (GISP) and serves on the Outdoor Environmental Lighting Technical Committee of the IES. He has been an invited speaker at the IES Street and Area Lighting Conference, the Artificial Light At Night international conference, and the UCSD Center for Circadian Biology Annual Symposium.