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Horticultural Lighting Committee

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Committee Purpose, Scope And Documents


This Technical Committee researches and develops best practices for horticultural lighting using climate-based annual daylighting and electric lighting with lighting and shading controls.


Included subject matter: Controlled horticultural environments such as greenhouses, plant factories, and building atria. Excluded subject matter: Horticultural lighting metrics, luminaire test and measurement procedures, and energy performance for luminaires.

Committee Leadership

Members (Voting)

Marvin Boell
Emil Radkov
Chris Bishop
Kale Harbick
Aaron P. Welch
Michael S. O’Boyle
Morgan Pattison
Mike L. Carter
Leora C. Radetsky
Eric Gaudreau

Advisory Members (Non-Voting)

Doosung Park
Greg Barker
Hugh Carroll
Paul Kusuma
Roy Harvey
Jarred Joffe
Ryan W. Siddon
Kasey Holland
Manju Dileep
Jorge H. Lujan
Gretchen Schimelpfenig

Board Liaisons

Kelly M. M Seeger
Michael Myer

Staff Liaisons

Patricia McGillicuddy
Zoe Milgram
Dan Ozminkowski