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LFI Program Features Seven Tracks and 70-Plus Courses

April 25, 2018

The 2018 LIGHTFAIR conference program includes more than 70 courses within seven educational tracks, for a total of more than 190 educational hours. Tracks and highlights include:


Doug Oppedal, Evergreen Consulting Group, Philip Smallwood, Strategies Unlimited, Travis Williams, Fluence Bioengineering, and Damon Bosetti, DesignLights Consortium, (pictured clockwise from top left) will discuss the growing market for horticulture lighting, offering market insights, as well as tips for navigating terminology and metrics, understanding product performance and accessing utility incentives.


Victor Quezada (left) and Sunny Ghataurah of AES Engineering will go back in time to the inception of artificial light to explore the lost “waltz of light and architecture,” and discuss the integration of light and shadow back into the built environment.


Leslie North, (left) Aurora Lighting Design, Inc., and Julie Johnson, LiteSwap, Inc., will use dating and matchmaking analogies to take a playful yet in-depth look at what makes a manufacturer’s product website a turnoff versus a desirable, go-to destination for specifiers.

Brett Andersen


Brett Andersen, Focus Lighting, will use real-world examples to explain how lighting contributes to a memorable dining experience, with an overview of the history and trends of restaurant lighting design, as well as a deeper dive into specific techniques such as layering lighting treatments to solve typical challenges.

Randy Burkett


Randy Burkett of Randy Burkett Lighting Design will examine lighting’s role in the success or failure of pedestrian-centric outdoor space, questioning the importance of illuminance and exploring light’s ability to shape the visual environment, reinforce wayfinding and orientation, and enhance safety and security.

Mohammad Noshad


Mohammad Noshad of VLNComm Inc will introduce the topic of Li-Fi, or visible light communication (VLC), with a description of system and fixture design, a discussion of its fit within the connected lighting ecosystem, and insight on future forms and integration.


Jennifer Sanborn, Lam Partners, Kate Sanoke, exp, Sara Schonour, CannonDesign, and Angela Matchica, EwingCole, (pictured clockwise from top left) will share a witty collection of lessons learned along their career paths during a combined lecture/panel session for emerging lighting designers who want to make the most of their first 10 years in the industry.

Tom Burtness

Tom Burtness of Burtness Engineering Services will present an overview of the basic knowledge needed to serve as an expert lighting witness in a civil litigation lawsuit, covering how the civil system works, differences between fact and opinion witnesses, and qualifications necessary to serve in this capacity.