*Attention:* The IES website will be temporarily unavailable from May 9th to May 13th for site updates. We apologize for any inconvenience and will provide an update closer to the time. Thank you for your continued support of the Illuminating Engineering Society.
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Society Update Regarding COVID-19

March 16, 2020

(New York, March 16, 2020) — The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) has been monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and all available information. It is a serious development that weighs heavily upon the Society, members, volunteers, and the lighting industry at-large. After considering all relevant facts, we have decided that, effective immediately:

  • the IES headquarters office is closed until further notice with all employees working remotely;
  • all non-essential IES staff travel is suspended; and
  • decisions concerning Society events will be made and communicated to you based upon current information with a focus on the health and safety of our members, volunteers and staff.

You have likely already seen the communication from LightFair about the decision that was made by IES, IALD, and IMC leadership to postpone the 2020 trade show and conference in an attempt to preserve the health and safety of the industry and general public. To view the press release again, please click here.

During this time of uncertainty, we encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. There are a lot of great developments coming from the IES in the coming months and we are excited about the future of the Society.

Please be safe and be careful. We value your active participation, all you do for the IES, and thank you for your continued support.


Jennifer Jaques
Jennifer Jaques
President, Board of Directors
Illuminating Engineering Society

Tim Licitra
Tim Licitra
Executive Director
Illuminating Engineering Society

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