*Attention:* The IES website will be temporarily unavailable from May 9th to May 13th for site updates. We apologize for any inconvenience and will provide an update closer to the time. Thank you for your continued support of the Illuminating Engineering Society.
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Individual Membership Benefits

Individual Membership Benefits

The IES is a global community of over 8,000 individuals. Members of the IES are engineers, designers, consultants, researchers, educators, manufacturers, and consumers who are involved in lighting by profession. Together, we create opportunities for the exchange of ideas and information and serve as a vehicle for our member’s professional development and recognition.

There are a variety of individual member classifications to choose from when joining the IES; Student, Emerging Professional (EP), Associate, and Member. For a complete breakdown of qualifications and price for each classification, please click here. Please note, that if your employer/company is a Sustaining Member, you might be eligible to receive a 10% discount on your individual membership.

Members of the IES receive many valuable benefits and services that are not available for the general public and non-members. The IES is comprised of a diverse membership of lighting professionals that perform various functions within our lighting community, therefore the Society has invested in creating and providing a wide array of member benefits in order to ensure that members are able to participate and take advantage of the services that are important and relevant to them. Some of the member’s benefits include, but are not limited to;


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Whether it is through access to the latest and most relevant standards, educational/learning opportunities, participation with committees, LD+A magazine, networking, local section meetings, or a plethora of other resources available with your membership, there are opportunities to leverage your IES membership to further your career development as a lighting professional.

Please call or email the IES Membership Services Department to discuss becoming a member at (212) 248-5000 or membership@ies.org.

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IES memberships are non-transferable.